Wednesday, December 5, 2012

OPTION 1: Movement/ Motion

Industrial Woodworking Corporation's line of furnishing known as Knú focuses on creating contemporary and sustainable home and office furniture. However, what grabs the viewers attention the most is the chosen styling of the furniture. 

 Figure 1. Knú Dining Table #1 appears to be in motion. 

Take for instance the Knú Dining Table #1 (Figure 1), while a normal table's legs sit parallel to the table top, Knú's design is created so that all four legs sit at an angle and all of them point towards the center. This is addition to the slight curve found in the legs of the chairs, create the illusion that the chair is about to jump of the ground. 

This illusion is created due to the familiar position one takes whenever getting ready to jump-- slight bend of the knees that creates a curved-like, angled stance. By having in mind that most viewer's carry this association in their heads, the designer was able to reinforce the implied movement in his pieces of furniture.

Figure 2. Knú Bookcase plays with implied movement through a different approach.

On the other hand, the Knú Bookcase (Figure 2) deals with implied movement but in a slightly different way. Even though the positioning of the "legs" in the bookcase create a similar illusion as those of the table and chairs in Figure 1, in this instance the overall length of the legs in the bookcase plays up the effect as well. Since legs to begin with aren't normally seen in bookcases (let alone seen in such a length) this piece of furniture gives off the notion that it is about to run away. This notion is brought on by the comparison of it's legs to actual human legs. The curvilinear design of them gives them the appearance of being a sort of cartoon character getting ready to escape some sort of chaos.

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