Sunday, December 9, 2012



Figure 1. Valentin Löllmann utlizies the contrast of colors in materials in this beautiful night stand. 

German design Valentin Löllmann has proven to be a master of contrast with his new line of furniture. From this line comes a cabinet (Figure 1) which displays contrast being used at different levels in design including contrast in color, tone, material, texture and shape. 

Figure 2. A detailed close-up photograph of one of the pieces by Löllmann. 

As seen in figure 2, Löllmann highlights the natural tone of the wood from the drawers against the rough white exterior of the rest of the cabinet. The warm color of the wood is highlighted and in a way displayed against the stark quality of the white paint. In addition, the textural quality of the wood versus the plaster-like texture of the rest of the piece of furniture further enhances the differences between the elements of the piece. 

Finally, Löllmann's creation exemplifies contrast through its shape. The geometric quality of the drawer area of the cabinet compliments the organic, ornately designed legs of the piece. By having the legs in a different style, the designer is able to make the object appear more welcoming and less intimidating as opposed to if it was all done in a very geometrical stylization. 


Figure 3. The MASH Studios LAX Bookcase is appealing, yet quite ordinary due to the lack of contrast. 

On the other hand, when observing the LAX Bookcase (Figure 3) from MASH Studios, one can note that despite the beauty created by the choice of materials and the decision of generating a product in a very minimalistic and geometric manner, the products lack of contrast makes it quite uninteresting and allows it to blend into the background of the walls.

Although such a style might be appealing for some, it is lacking in contrast. The bookcase maintains the same square shape for every one of its compartments. Additionally, it does not integrate color or a different material to highlight a certain area of it. As a result, the product is limited to its practically and fails to opearte as a visually intriguing piece of furniture.

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